Wikileaks: Five illustrative cases of prisoners at Guantánamo (+ Video)


New evidence of the upside down world that governs the United States is found in the Wikileaks documents which reveal information about the treatment of prisoners at the concentration camp in Guantánamo – maintained by Washington on territory it is illegally occupying against the will of the Cuban government and people.

The files say that 60% of the more than 700 prisoners were imprisoned by mistake.  Here are five cases that reflect the humanity of the USAmerican authorities at the prison opened by Bush that Obama promised to close.

  • Mohamed Sadiq.  An 89 year old prisoner with senile dementia, prostate cancer and osteoarthritis.  Captured because of “suspicious documents” found on his son.  Repatriated to Afghanistan.
  • Haji Faiz Mohammed.  Arrested at the age of 70, in a mosque where he had spent the night after going out in search of some medicine.  His file says that “there is no reason” for having transferred him to Guantánamo.
  • Jamal al-Harith was in Guantánamo solely because he’d been arrested in a Taliban prison and it was thought that he knew something about their interrogation techniques.
  • Naqib Ullah.  Captured at the age of 14, he spent a year at Guantánamo.
  • Omar Khadr.  Captured at the age of 15, he has spent nine years at Guantánamo for being the son of a supposed Al Qaeda leader in Canada. Video of his interrogation:


It’s worth remembering that the country that has behaved in this arbitrary manner in the name of a war on terrorism is the same that refuses to try people such as Luis Posada Carriles, the man behind numerous terrorist actions against Cuba, as a terrorist, and who has ended up being feted in Miami.

Translated by Machetera/Tlaxcala

Original in spanish in La pupila insomne

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One Response to Wikileaks: Five illustrative cases of prisoners at Guantánamo (+ Video)

  1. emilioe says:

    Este nino Canadiense , nacido en Canada de padres Afganos , siguiendo a su padre que fue a defender su patria de la invasion imperialista ,fue herido cuando su padre moria en combate, tenia 15 anos cuando fue declarado ” combatiente enemigo ” y trasladado a la prision yanki de Guantanamo ,ha sufrido todos los tormentos que un genocida imperial pueda descargar sobre otro ser humano , todas las voces juntas no pudieron convencer al Bushista primer ministro de Canada , antidemocratico , leal servidor del imperio MR. HARPER , de que este nino debia ser reclamado porque se estaban violando todos los derechos que la ley internacional y local declaran inviolables respecto a un nino . Hasta le rogaron al MR. este que lo dejaran terminar su condena en Canada , pero este MR. solo emana terrorismo como se esta comprobando por estos dias . Es una espina clavada en los sentimientos de la comunidad Canadiense.


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